Every great trotting coach dreams of winning the Grand Prix of America. The same goes for jockeys, since this event brings together the most beautiful display of the best French and world trotting horses. The race, which lasts about two and a half minutes, is a pure moment of happiness for racehorse enthusiasts.

The Prix d’Amérique, a meeting of cracks

Every year, on the last Sunday of January, on the occasion of the Grand Prix d’Amérique, the racing world dresses up in its finest finery. In fact, surrounded by five other races, this equestrian prize dedicated to the best trotting horses from all over the world offers the most beautiful display of harnessed trotting in Europe. To win “America” is not easy and the journey is long and tiring since the horses come from all over the world, especially from the United States. The first difficulty is that the competitors in the American Grand Prix have to fly left hand over the eye of the photocell, which will already spot the most hurried in the pack. The drivers only have a few seconds to get into position and cross this imaginary line before being dropped on the racetrack.

Second difficulty, the track

The profile of the track where the American Grand Prix is held is a unique test in the world for horses and their driver. It measures about 2000 meters, first a long downhill before facing an uphill that cuts the legs of the most daring and at this strategic point of the race, the trotters will still have to cover 1200 meters to the finish and this is where the difference between the competitors will be played out. Even for highly trained horses, the race becomes very difficult because you have to hold on until the end and stand out from the crowd. Among the great horses that have marked the history of the American Grand Prix, we should mention the crack of the cracks, the famous Ourasi, Ready Cash, Bold Eagle, Varenne, Ténor de Baune… The talents of the French trotters are renowned and trigger the admiration and esteem of racing enthusiasts.

Horses with a unique talent and that last

The trotters that participate in the Grand Prix of America are horses with incredible abilities and many of them have been able to last and win several prizes in America. This is the case for Sea Bird II, Roquépine who competed in three Prix d’Amérique and lost one, Masina, Upsalin, Hadol du Vivier… The driver Jean-René Gougeon is also one of these artists of the Grand Prix d’Amérique, as he won it eight times, a record from 1966 to 1988, from Roquépine to Ourasi. The Prix d’Amérique is a ruthless race and many famous horses have only come close to success: One de Mai, Ultra Ducal or Vouracie or the sister of the famous Ourasi. They missed very little, just maybe a little more luck…

Equestrian competitions have existed since antiquity. This discipline is practiced in different forms. A large number of major events in the world represent this activity. These attract large numbers of spectators.

Horse riding at the Olympic Games

In the field of sport, horse riding is considered a discipline in its own right. It is represented, in particular, at the prestigious Olympic Games, which are considered a major equestrian event. Participating in this competition is the dream of many sportsmen and women. 3 types of disciplines are then possible for riders during the Olympic Games. First of all, there is the dressage competition which can be proposed to them. It consists in judging the quality of the horse through an education perfectly well undertaken by the master. Afterwards, the show jumping competition as well as the eventing competition can also be presented. As far as the first discipline is concerned, the rider and his horse must complete 3 different tests including show jumping. Participants are graded according to the total score obtained after each test.

Competitions at the World Equestrian Games

In the field of horse riding, the World Equestrian Games are as important as the Olympic Games. This equestrian event takes place every 4 years, alternating with them. It includes 8 disciplines including dressage, voltige, driving, show jumping, CSO, CCE, reining and para equestrian dressage. As far as driving is concerned, there are various categories depending on the number of horses used. The endurance takes place over a distance of between 20 and 160 kilometres. The tests are set on a marked course. All along this course, veterinarians are present to check the condition of the teams in order to limit the risk of accidents. Frequent checks are carried out on the vital signs of the horses. Reining is similar to American competitions. Directed by its rider, the horse must perform all sorts of tricks. To succeed in this competition, the complicity between the rider and the horse is essential.

Equestrian competitions carried out as a team

In the world of horse riding, international competitions also exist in teams. Vaulting, for example, is one of the events represented during world equestrian games. During this equestrian event, a whole chain of figures is performed to music by the horse. The competition can take place in teams. Participants are rated on ease of execution and finesse. The horse’s gait is also judged during this type of competition.

Polo and horse-ball are also among the most popular competitions in the world. During a polo competition, the aim of the game is to succeed in sending the ball towards the opponent’s goal. A team consists of a maximum of 3 or 4 riders.

You have just arrived by train, at the Chantilly station, a strange atmosphere is felt. A certain number of Diane’s prize spectators are on the platform. The crowd is remarkable for the shimmering colour scheme, when a regular user looks at them attentively. Groups gather, the chatterer is there and then disembark in the diane villages.

What is the price of diane?

The Grand Prix de Diane is a horse race held in June. The distance to be covered is 2100 meters, the 3 year old twins challenge each other in the racecourse. A sporty atmosphere and a refined picnic is set up in Chantilly. But also, it is also elegance and distinction especially with the parade of hats. Created in 1843 this Grand Prix gathers more than 30000 people every year, it follows the jockey club prize which was held on this same racecourse, designed by the British French Oaks. The Grand Prix de Diane is the French equivalent of English Epson Oaks and Irish Oaks. The Prix de Diane is above all French elegance and France. It mixes elegant and less elegant people.

How to dress the man for this event?

Don’t think of coming to this race in basketball jeans as if you were buying a PMU ticket on the corner. The men will have to dress up in their best suit and tie. As for the colour of the clothing, brown is not too chic, you should also avoid black, as this colour is reserved for waiters. The ideal color is blue, especially navy blue or midnight blue, this color goes very well with the green lawn of the racetrack. For the tie, you should choose the dark color rather than ties with a fancy equestrian pattern. Finally, for the shoe, don’t be too formal, any shoe is good for walking on the grass. In short, men’s clothing should be elegant.

How do women dress for the event?

A 24 year old girl came to the Grand Prix de Diane in a black dress, she confides that it is the first time she is taking part in this event. She sought advice on the Internet. The women’s dress code can be summarized as follows:  A beautifully coloured dress, an original hat, and high heels. It is also necessary to imitate certain gestures: stand up straight, head high, and a disdainful look. Indeed one finds there individuals elegantly dressed with very original outfits such as: the Boa outfit, the orange outfit, the flowery outfit.

It is above all elegance and allure that prevails at the Prix de Diane.

Every year, horse lovers meet at the Saut Hermès. Riding in all its forms is the basis of this unmissable event. For three days, equestrian competitions based on show jumping create a sensation with skilful riders from the four corners of the world. Zoom on this sensational event around horses.

The programme of the Saut Hermès

For three days, the riders will compete with different events. At the beginning of the first day there is usually the opening ceremony of the Hermes Jump. Then, the different prizes follow one another. For example, the prize of the Grand Palais, which is a jumping competition with or without a stopwatch performed by an individual rider. At the end, the winner wins the donations collected. During the Hermes jumping, new talented riders are also sought after through events reserved exclusively for young people.

In addition to this, qualifying events take place. There are also speed events without obstacles. The degree of difficulty is gradually increased in this kind of competition. In the search for new talent, points can be accumulated to rank the winning duo team of riders in the final. The ultimate Hermes jumping event is undoubtedly the Hermes Grand Prix. A qyi competition is very complicated and requires high performance techniques from the riders.

The originality of the Hermes Jump

Not only is the Saut Hermès a great meeting place for all the famous riders from all over the world, but you can also admire horses of all breeds from different stables. You can marvel at the opening of the podium at night while watching the competitions. Furthermore, you have the possibility to attend equestrian ballets.

The flagship competition of this event is certainly the Grand Prix Hermès. It is the pride of any self-respecting rider. Moreover, the reward at the end of this competition is colossal. In addition, at the end of all the competitions, the closing ceremony takes place in a convivial atmosphere, accompanied by the presentation of prizes to the winners, under the aegis of the House of Hermès.

The organisation of the Saut Hermès

The Saut Hermès can be accessible to the general public according to the programmes indicated. You can get to the competition according to the schedule established according to the means of transport of your convenience. Car parks are reserved for you. You are not allowed to bring animals to this equestrian competition. It is strictly forbidden to arrive at the venue with objects not agreed upon. Furthermore, you must remain vigilant during the competition with regard to the equidae.

To attend this major event, you must have a ticket purchased in advance at the various points of sale indicated.

The routine you experience every day gives you too much stress. Are there any solutions to solve this problem? Some people, for example, go outside to get some fresh air and completely clear their minds. This helps them to relieve the pain they feel. Others swallow medication or drink alcohol or even take drugs. But this second option can lead to more seizures or illnesses. Another remedy that can be adopted is listening to beautiful, relaxing music. Several musicians are currently releasing new albums that are very useful. Some of them are former singers. And others are new ones.

The benefits of listening to music

Scientists performed an experiment on a few women. This consists of playing music from different series. This method has been connected to a sensor and each participant should solve a puzzle problem in a limited time. The heart rate, brain activity, breathing and blood pressure of each consultant were monitored for each new song. The experts found some very interesting results.  Listening to a song to relax before a competition is important because it reduces the stress that the individual feels. Your body will get at least 10% relaxation and stress will decrease by more than 60%.

Top 10 of the best relaxing musics

To reduce stress, listening to a song to relax before a competition is highly recommended. This way has already been approved by several scientists. Singers write lyrics that soften the stress someone is experiencing. Here is a list that specialized doctors accept as the top 10 relaxing songs. The first one is Weightless which is called marconi union. The second is Electra’s airstream. The third is mellomaniac by DJ Shah. The fourth is watermark by Enya. The fifth is Coldplay’s strawberry swing. The sixth is please don’t go from Barcelona. The seventh is pure shores from All Saints. The eighth is someone like you by Adele. The ninth is Mozart’s canzonetta sull’aria. And the last one is we can fly by Cafe del Mar.

The minimal duration of the listening

Scientists have approved melodies. But that doesn’t mean you should listen to all of them. There’s a limit to how far you can go, like the use of drugs. For example, you can accompany this song to relax before a competition with some vegetables and fruits. This will increase the effectiveness of the remedy. You will rest on the bed; eat 5 fruits and 5 vegetables during the 3 meals. This step will be followed by listening to the song for at least 11 minutes. After these few minutes already, you will feel a peace and quiet. It is not necessary to turn the volume of the radio up, you could use your headphones. The maximum time is 78 minutes.

Riding is the art of riding a horse. A complicity reigns between the horse and its rider. Riding therefore requires the association of a rider and a horse. The rider must learn how to ride a horse well and, above all, how to train his competition horse.

But on top of all that, you must eat well to be in shape on the day of the competition. What are the meals before a riding competition?

Food the day before a competition

The meal is usually the last energetic intake a person receives before a competition. The meal before a riding competition should be dominated by a complex carbohydrate intake such as rice and potatoes. It must be easy to digest, so as not to affect the quality of your sleep, which is really essential to excel at the next day’s event.

A protein ration is strongly recommended. You should give preference to lean animal proteins such as fish fillets, defatted derinned ham and poultry and avoid sauces, fatty dishes such as cold cuts and fatty meats.

Good hydration is also necessary. The consumption of mineral water is recommended. Coffee or tea in this situation can be taken moderately.

Yoghurt, pasta, fruit compotes, poultry breast and grated soups or raw vegetables are part of the meals before a horse riding competition. You should avoid fatty foods such as fatty meats, industrial ready meals and foods that are too sweet. But what about horses?

Feeding a competition horse

The horse is a monogastric which, in its natural state, eats grass and woody plants. Thousands of factors determine the diet of a competition horse. The feedstuffs to be consumed are chosen according to certain criteria such as fat content, essential fibre for good digestion and the percentage of cellulose. Fibre-rich feedstuffs generally make up 15 to 20% of a competition horse’s daily ration, not forgetting trace elements.

Meals before a horse’s riding competition are therefore very important. You must give them feed that is rich in fibre, minerals and above all easy to digest.

Whether it is for the rider or the horse, meals before a riding competition are really essential. But did you know that there are advantages to riding horses?

The benefits of horseback riding

The sport of horseback riding has three advantages, because it is a :

Physical sport. Riding allows you to work your legs, calf muscles and buttocks.

Outdoor sport, which is excellent for mental health. It allows you to decompress.

Ecological sport.

Riding is therefore a complicity between horse and rider. Meals before a riding competition are essential, they must be balanced, energetic, high in protein, easy to digest and full of minerals.

Preparing well for a riding competition is not done the day before, it takes a long preparation. To get in condition before the D-day, it is necessary to follow some advices for you and your horse. A good preparation is always rewarded during a competition. The person who is going to ride a horse must put all the strategies at his disposal before the arrival of the D-day by preparing the material as well as the mind. For this, it is recommended to prepare the necessary material for you and your horse. Afterwards, keeping the horse focused is essential. And then, it is also necessary to take an advance when you leave for the competition especially with a good peace of mind.

Preparation of the equipment

In order not to stress on the day, you will have to prepare the material the day before. This will allow you to prepare everything more calmly without forgetting anything. It’s very stressful to forget something during the competition. So, to avoid this problem, you have to do the preparation step by step, starting with the equipment for the horse. Afterwards, you have to put away your equipment to ride. Then, check the grooming gear so you don’t forget anything. In addition, you know your horse well, so you need to be aware of its needs. Don’t forget to bring hay bags. Most importantly, you should also prepare your competition gear such as clothing. Transportation should be prepared in advance as well. Indeed, all these preparations allow you to be well prepared for the next day.

Keeping your horse focused

To keep the horse fresh and in good condition for competition, all you have to do is take his mind off it. To do this, you have to take him for a ride and take him for a walk so that he can take a little freedom. It is possible to make him do a lot of fun which allows him to see a change and be happy for riding.

It is important to keep him focused for the big day by teaching him only his movements for competition. It is also possible to do some exercises to work on lateral moves for the day. This is a good strategy to prepare for a competition.

Go to the competition with peace of mind.

Once you’ve prepared all the necessary material for the competition and reviewed the important moves for the race, all that’s left to do is to leave with peace of mind. Avoid stress and recheck the equipment.

It is necessary to have a champion’s mentality, i.e. a good mental preparation to have a good performance. It is essential to relax and loosen up your horse while remaining focused and not forgetting important lessons. This is one of the important things to prepare for a competition.

Before a sports competition, you have to train well in order to put all the chances on your side. To be effective, exercises must be well organized. Sessions must be regular and thoughtful. Participants must also prepare themselves mentally. In addition, a balanced diet is necessary to keep in shape.

Train regularly to boost muscles

Whatever the sport, it is essential to train before a competition. This is the first condition to be in top form and to ensure a better performance. It is necessary to train daily by practicing the selected discipline. During the sessions, a test concerning the level of fitness should be part of the exercises. For this, the level of the test must be lower than that of the competition to avoid fatigue. On the other hand, the terrain and the course must be similar to the conditions of the next competition. It would be more interesting to perform exercises at different levels in order to evaluate one’s skills on various abilities.

It is advisable to reduce the intensity of the exercises as you approach the competition; you must be in top form at that time to be able to face future opponents. It is then advisable to reduce the duration of the sessions.

Take every precaution during training

It is also important to take all the necessary precautions to ensure good training before a competition. A balanced diet should accompany training sessions. Focus on protein and carbohydrates to provide the body with energy. Fish or chicken are excellent sources of protein. Carbohydrates, potatoes, chickpeas, rice and bananas are rich in them. In addition, it is important to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Avoid drinks that are too sweet or carbonated.

On the other hand, do not forget to get enough sleep. The quality of sleep is very important in the efficiency of the efforts during a competition. Be aware that a teenager must sleep at least 10 hours. Sleep early in the evening to achieve this goal.

Prepare his equipment before the day

In addition, preparing your equipment in advance reduces stress before a competition. It is crucial to know what equipment will be used during the race. It must be grouped in a specific location. Make sure that clothing or other equipment is complete so that you don’t have to think about it as you approach the event.

It is also necessary to become familiar with the equipment. If you plan to participate in a pole vault, for example, you can try out using a bucket pole. If it is a hurdle race, you should familiarize yourself with the obstacles. Using starting blocks in the drills is a good way to train well if you are a sprinter.

The world of racehorses is a world of its own, where winged horses cross the victory post. It is on the one hand the racecourses where the best horses compete against each other, and on the other hand a place of competition between horse breeders and different professionals, the lads, jockeys and trainers, always in search of the rare pearl that can bring in millions.

The preparation and training of a racehorse

If you can’t afford to put money into a racehorse, you can always console yourself by placing bets. Racehorses start training at a very young age, as early as two years old. A racehorse foal should train between eight months and one year before his first race. Initially, the trainer focuses on endurance, breathing and responsiveness. The speed, for its part, is worked on a little later. It is nevertheless important to remember that not all racehorses become celebrities. From a very young age, they are grouped according to their level and aptitudes. It is important to establish a good relationship between the lad who rides him in training, and later the jockey who rides him in races.

Horse racing

For flat races, racehorses are classified as young horses up to and including three years of age. Once he is four years old, he enters the category of “old” racehorses. For jumping races (hurdles), the horses start later and are “old” from the age of 5. In cross-country and steeplechase racing, the “old horse” age is from the age of 6 years. In other words, the career of a racehorse is generally played before the age of 6 years old and after the age of 5 years old, the majority of them are reformed. If they are lucky, they end up in the hands of an enthusiast who devotes time and passion to them, to make them a magnificent saddle horse. Others, on the contrary, will continue to make a career in endurance racing, if their legs have been well preserved.

A driving torque, the horse and his jockey

Whether racing on the flat, over jumps or trotting, racehorses make people dream and allow them to be exhilarated by speed. The craftsman of the race after the horse, it is always the jockey who forms with his steed, the most beautiful couple. This one is a character of capital importance for the animal. Small, light but very muscular, the apprentice jockeys and lads go to a trainer to learn how to ride, first in training and then on race day. The race jockey rides very short and maintains his balance in three points of support: stirrups, knees and reins. The whole racing world is in a frenzy for these magnificent athletes that are racehorses, considered by some to be beautiful like gods.

Alzheimer’s disease is a disease of senile people. It is a destruction of neuronal cells that are responsible for memory loss, anxiety and depression. Since 2019, the French Riding Federation and the association France Alzheimer have signed a collaboration to mutualize the networks. The aim is to promote equine mediation in the accompaniment of people with Alzheimer’s disease. The new treatment is called equitherapie, which is the association of equitation to the therapy of Alzheimer’s disease.

The effects of equitation on people with Alzheimer’s disease

The benefit of horseback riding for Alzheimer’s is confidence and self-esteem. Patients with the disease flourish, become more independent and are sociable with those around them. Horseback riding is recognized as a remedy, a vector of care for well-being. According to the IFCE (or French institute of horse riding): people with Alzheimer’s disease live in the present moment, like the horse that does not think about the future. It is not a question of judging or criticizing the handicap. According to specialists, the horse arouses the desire to walk and the desire to stroke. Horseback riding is ideal for people with Alzheimer’s disease because it is an activity that can mobilize the muscles of the patient unconsciously.

Horses are the ideal partner for Alzheimer’s patients

The FFE (or French Equestrian Federation) aims to make everyone practice the sport according to the respect of the individuality of each one. Specialists have been able to see the attachment of Alzheimer’s patients to horses, the ease of communication of the elderly. The organisation is keen to develop equestrian activities for everyone but especially for Alzheimer’s patients. The foundation for France Alzheimer wants to consolidate the collaboration between the two partners. Horses improve the mental and physical health of people affected by Alzheimer’s disease. It is a privilege to be able to offer elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease sports activities that can improve their well-being.

Vacation and respite stays

These are initiatives to be taken for the good of the sick. Horseback riding can be a vacation and a respite for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Be aware that there is a scientific evaluation of the benefits of horseback riding for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Collaboration between the sports federation on horseback riding and people with Alzheimer’s disease is very important to model actions and to improve the credibility of the action carried out. Be aware that there are infrastructures and materials available to welcome the specific public. Accompanying family members or carers can also benefit from a moment’s respite and take advantage of riding sessions. Horseback riding can help the group of residents with Alzheimer’s disease to improve the person’s psychomotor skills. It is a rewarding and positive experience for the person with Alzheimer’s disease.